Wielding Power

power doesn’t exist unless you wield it.

“Power doesn’t exist unless you wield it.”

Tucked away in a fairly light novel, this sentence stopped me cold.  There is so much truth in the statement it’s hard to know where to start.  Let’s break it down, because there is nothing more important to activism than understanding power and wielding it effectively.

What is power?

Power is like art - hard to define, but you know it when you see it.  Power comes with strong (powerful) positive and negative connotations.  Too often we focus on the negative.  We see those who abuse power- authoritarians of all stripes, from certain country leaders to parents excessively controlling children to the boss who wants to make you jump through pointless hoops.  We associate power with abuse.  We recoil from the unleashed power of emotional or physical storms which leave us feeling powerless.

It can be easier to see power when it is used against you, reinforcing negative associations with power.  The humiliation of being stripped of your power.   The ugliness of being manipulated.  The frustration and anger of having your loved ones, your beliefs, your way of living, your financial security, even your very identity threatened or eliminated.

We default to fearing power, to believing power is evil, manipulative, damaging, dangerous.  By fearing power, we do not learn to wield power positively and we hand it to those who wield it with negative intent.

Power can, and should, be viewed positively.

Positive wielding of power is the single most important tool for every activist.

Positive power is using your voice - in speech, in video, in social media, in letter-writing - to call out abuse of power.  Positive power is demanding change and refusing to step down when  condescending or threatening explanations are offered about of why change is not needed.  Positive power is voting, or even running for office.  Positive power is taking a leadership position when others ask, or when you know you have the skills and vision.  Positive power is providing, and acting upon, realistic solutions, not just whining about injustice.  Positive power is wielding your money like a battle axe - buying less, buying smart, buying products that align with your values, denying money that funds toxic issues.  Positive power is making your life, health, and financial security a priority, not an afterthought.

Power doesn’t exist unless you wield it.

How do you wield your power?  Is it done consciously or unconsciously?  Do you clearly see how you wield power?  Who views you as a leader?  Are you owning that position of leader with power or are you afraid, afraid that wielding power is negative, that it makes you a bad person?

Nothing changes unless power is wielded.  Whether wielded positively or negatively, change requires power.

Wield your power - positively.

Rebecca Wear Robinson